I wish to have a toy poodle puppy
blood disorder
Bryce gets his win
New best friend Bear brings smiles back to Bryce's life
Bryce was born with sickle cell disease and spent most of his childhood dealing with chronic pain and frequent infections. Simple activities like walking and playing outside would trigger his immune system and send him to the hospital.
“My son was ten years old before he was ever able to go swimming,” says Bryce’s mom, Adrienne. “We lived our life based on rules and limits.”
Despite the challenges, Bryce has always had a can-do spirit. “As a child, Bryce always had a spirit of ‘No matter what, I'm going to push through,’” says Adrienne. “And so even when we were faced with challenges related to sickle cell, Bryce still had the same disposition. He never gave up.”
But Bryce felt isolated and couldn’t spend much time with his peers. During his difficult medical journey, what Bryce wanted most was a friend. He dreamed of having a puppy to help him feel less lonely.
“So he always wanted to nurture and love on a fur baby, but we never were in a position to just commit to that level of responsibility,” says Adrienne. “But just his personality—he's always wanted to help. He's always wanted to love on animals or people. He’s never wanted to take no for an answer.”
In May 2022, Bryce received a bone marrow transplant. Luckily, his sister was a match and donated her bone marrow to Bryce, and his world changed. He could begin to enjoy his favorite activities—like swimming and playing basketball—without the fear of being hospitalized. However, he still had to be homeschooled for another year and continued to miss having a connection with kids his age.

Bryce after his bone marrow transplant in the hospital.

Bryce at the hospital after his bone marrow transplant.

Bryce swimming in the ocean after his bone marrow transplant.

Bryce at the public pool after his bone marrow transplant.
“For two years Bryce was unable to attend school,” says Adrienne. “So, as a young child, you can think about the isolation that followed behind it. And even though we tried to think outside of the box, Bryce was very restricted in terms of interactions with his peers, and it became very lonely and depressing for Bryce, and even though with his personality—he tried to find the good in it—but we could tell that it was taking a toll on my son.”
At the end of summer, Bryce found out he would receive a wish and he knew exactly what he wanted. “Instantly he was like, ‘Mom, a puppy! There’s nothing else,’” says Adrienne.

Bryce, puppy Bear, and mom Adrienne in the park on Bryce's wish day
After Bryce shared his one true wish, his parents dropped the subject completely in hopes of surprising their son. Because of Bryce's calm and understanding demeanor, he never once asked or questioned if his wish would happen.
“Because of his personality, he never complains. But I knew it was still on his mind,” says Adrienne. "When we got the confirmation, it was just the most exciting time because for a child that has gone through so much, it's so nice when they get a win. And this was Bryce's win.”
One sunny day, Bryce’s parents told him they were all going to a nearby park to play basketball. As Bryce and his family approached the park, Make-A-Wish staff and volunteers surprised Bryce with his new toy poodle puppy, Bear. As soon as Bryce laid eyes on the small bundle of fur, his parents saw him fully smile for the first time in a long time. And just like that, Bryce’s world changed again.
“Bryce thought he was coming to the park just to practice on dribbling,” says Adrienne, “and low and behold there’s this beautiful, most amazing puppy. Bryce looked at him and smiled and just looked down—not knowing that this was his puppy!
Once he realized, Bryce was immediately in love with the puppy he named Bear.
“Meeting Bear, it was really fun, and I really didn’t expect it,” he says. “I just saw Bear and that put a smile on my face. That probably had to be one of my best moments.”
I just saw Bear and that put a smile on my face. That was probably had to be one of my best moments.
wish kid Bryce
Since bringing Bear home, that smile has rarely left Bryce’s face. Bryce and Bear now do almost everything together. Bryce hardly leaves home without Bear by his side.
“Make-A-Wish has been very instrumental in changing the dynamics of our home,” says Adrienne. “My son laughs because of Make-A-Wish. My son had a major win because of Make-A-Wish. Make-A-Wish granted my family an opportunity for something to look forward to.”
Bryce says that he thought Bear would be the perfect wish because he represents everything Bryce has been through with his sickle cell disease. And now? “Bear’s been a good dog and he really calms me down when, like, certain stuff is going on,” Bryce says. “And, yeah, we’re just best friends.”

Enjoy the heartwarming story of wish kid Bryce meeting his new Toy Poodle puppy, Bear.