I wish to have an adaptive playscape



nervous system disorder

Noelle with Chi Omega sisters

Always Looking on the Bright Slide of Life

Always Looking on the Bright Slide of Life

Four-year-old Noelle’s mom shares that when Noelle was between three and five months old it became clear something was not quite right. Noelle’s demeanor was almost too easy going and calm. She was not reaching for objects or rolling over - common milestones for that age. Eventually her parents noticed strange eye movements and her head dropping, which turned out to be seizures. Noelle was rushed to Yale where doctors ran tests that diagnosed her with a nervous system disorder that gets progressively worse over time, with no cure.

Noelle loves music, visual stimulation and spending time with her twin siblings. Although she is nonverbal and has no voluntary movement in her hands or arms, Noelle does not let this stop her. According to her mother, Noelle loves to sing and communicates by kicking her feet. She also loves to go on walks in her stroller outside with her family and loves the feeling of the wind on her face, but had been limited to going up and down her driveway. With this in mind, as well as the fact that they recently bought a new house, Noelle and her family of five decided to wish for an adaptive playscape to be built in their new backyard.

The adaptive play space is one that the entire family can utilize. It includes a path for easy stroller accessibility, wind chimes, a sensory wall, sand and water table, and a brand-new play structure complete with a slide as well as an adaptive swing seat that will grow with Noelle. New plants complete the look and frame the backyard oasis perfectly.
Although some days are admittedly tougher than others, Noelle and her family choose to focus on the good. With all five senses in mind, this adaptive play space has become a source of stimulation and fun that Noelle and her siblings can use for years to come.

Granting wishes like Noelle’s would not be possible without community partners who are dedicated to bringing the power of a wish to local children. Thank you to the Sacred Heart University chapter of Chi Omega for adopting Noelle’s wish, visiting Noelle and her family on wish day and for helping to make her special wish come true.

It’s tough but with everybody’s support it makes it a lot easier
Noelle's Dad