Theresa Johnson has referred more than 100 of her patients for a wish.
Pediatric Oncology Social Worker Theresa Johnson has referred more than 100 of her patients for a wish.

“I typically refer a wish kid after the first few meetings,” said Theresa, who is a pediatric oncology social worker at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. “That’s when I believe it is the most effective.”

She is happy to bring hope and joy to her patients, and loves to speak with the kids throughout the wish process – from the early stages of planning to after the wishes are granted. 

“Wishes offer these kids a piece of joy, something to help them get through the hard days,” said Theresa, who has seen how wishes can open new avenues to kids, with impacts of a wish lasting for years after the wish was granted. 

“We had a wish kid who wished to meet a YouTube celebrity who makes slime and she could not stop talking about her experiences. She came into the hospital after her wish and was so excited, ‘I can tell you all how to make slime!’ It gave her a path to continue to fight,” said Theresa. 

A path to continue to fight is important for the kids Theresa works with, and important for Theresa. 

“To see the happiness, the joy and the hope that a wish gives, we benefit from these wishes just as much as the kids do,” she said.