Charlotte's wish to Hawaii is a beacon of hope

Charlotte poses with a flower in her hair during her wish to visit the island of Hawaii.
At the tender age of 4, Charlotte faced the daunting diagnosis of leukemia. 

“The first year of treatment was extremely challenging,” reflected Jessica, Charlotte’s mom. “When she learned that her wish would be granted and she would be going to Hawaii, she was ecstatic.” 

“Any hospital admission or tough time Charlotte encountered, we would talk about ‘when we go to Hawaii.’ It uplifted her spirits during those challenging hospital stays. We always cherished those conversations,” shared Jessica. 

The wish trip to Hawaii wasn't just about fulfilling a dream. It was a beacon of hope, a moment of respite, and a celebration of life for Charlotte and her family. 

"Charlotte's eyes lit up when she finally met the dolphins and spent time on the beach. The luau was another highlight, but mostly, she just enjoyed every single moment we spent together as a family, focusing solely on joy and fun." 

It uplifted her spirits during those challenging hospital stays. She enjoyed every single moment we spent together as a family, focusing solely on joy and fun.


Charlotte's mom