I wish to have a galaxy-themed sensory room




Aleksander enjoys laying in his new bed on his wish day!

Aleksander's wish for a galaxy-themed room is out of this world

6-year-old Aleksander loves space and he often watches YouTube videos about other planets. 

Unfortunately, Aleksander is required to come back to Earth for his many doctor appointments and weekly chemotherapy treatments.

He used to be very active before his leukemia diagnosis, but he began to spend more of his time away from home and at the hospital. 

When Aleksander qualified for a wish, he wanted to have a place of his own that incorporated all his favorite things – a galaxy-themed room makeover! 
”Aleksander is autistic, so a big part of his wish was making it a sensory room with changing lights and colorful liquid sensory tiles,” shared his family. 

“He loved participating in brainstorming wish ideas, selecting fun items for the room, and having something to look forward to during such challenging times.” 

Thanks to the help of Arizona Painting Company, Titan Solar and the Response Crew, Aleksander’s wish became a reality. The new room includes galaxy wallpaper, comforter and curtains to block out the light and really fit the space theme.

“The reveal was so emotional,” his family continued. “We were very heartened by all the enthusiasm of the volunteers. He now has his own special bedroom and is so proud of it.”⁠