Make-A-Wish Alabama's Youth Leadership Council is a dynamic and exclusive leadership development program available to high school students in Alabama. Members are selected based on their interest, promise, and dedication our mission.
Why should you join?
As a member, you will have the opportunity to...
• Make a difference in the lives of children with critical illnesses who have been approved for a wish through Make-A-Wish Alabama.
• Earn volunteer hours.
• Receive an official recommendation letter that lists all the students’ accomplishments throughout the year with YLC.
• Participate in a Wish Party for a local wish kid to celebrate his or her wish coming true.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be...
• Students in grades 9 through 12.
• Passionate about helping children with critical illnesses.
• Able to attend monthly meetings in their respective region.
What are the requirements?
Members are required to...
• Commit to a one-year term on the council, August to May.
• Interview with a Make-A-Wish Alabama Development Manager.
• Pledge to raise at least $500 for Make-A-Wish Alabama before May.
• Plan or host one awareness activity throughout the term.
• Attend monthly meetings during the term.