Megan is like any typical young adult- she loves hanging out with her friends and playing with her dogs.
Megan and Dove grew up together! Here they are today, enjoying a walk together.
She was referred to Make-A-Wish Alabama® in February of 2013 after being diagnosed with a rare gastrointestinal disorder. Treatment for her condition led her to make many visits to Birmingham for medical procedures at Children’s Hospital. It was after one of her surgeries that she met one of the trained therapy dogs the hospital brings in to improve the health of their patients. She looked forward to the days the therapy dogs came to the hospital, and they provided much needed relief during her stay.
When it came time for Megan to choose a wish, she decided to wish for an English Crème Golden Retriever. Megan said, “I want a white golden retriever for two reasons. I really love dogs and want a best friend. Second, I can train her to be a therapy animal and give back.”
Two Make-A-Wish staff members along with her two volunteers surprised her with her new puppy at a local pet store, Pets, Love and Happiness, in Huntsville, AL. Megan thought she would have to make the drive to Birmingham to pick the puppy up from the airport later on that day, but when she arrived at the pet store, her wish coordinator was hiding in the back with the puppy in hand. When Megan first saw the puppy, she could hardly contain her excitement! Pets, Love, and Happiness was so generous to Megan and her new puppy. During the wish reveal they presented to her a basket full of necessities for a new puppy including: a collar, leash, treats, and plenty of dog toys.
Megan is now 23, and she and Dove are still best friends. Dove has helped Megan through many treatments and hospital stays. Dove is a wish that has continued to give Megan and her family lasting joy and hope.