I wish to have a goldendoodle puppy
blood disorder

Maelin-Kate Finds Her Luckiest Penny Yet
Maelin-Kate, a 6-year-old girl from Madison, Alabama, was referred to Make-A-Wish Alabama because of her rare blood disorder. Diagnosed at just 5 years old, Maelin-Kate's condition made it difficult for her to receive a bone marrow transplant that she needed.
When COVID-19 hit in 2020, Maelin-Kate and her family were just getting ready to go on their Disney Cruise trip. Just two days before the big reveal at James Clemens High School, a local Kids for Wish Kids participant in their area, the surprise celebration was called off due to safety concerns. After putting their wish on hold for over a year, Maelin-Kate and her family decided to change her wish. Due to the risk of traveling, Maelin-Kate decided to wish for something more personal- something that would change her life forever.

Courtesy of Sweet Roots Photography
While Maelin-Kate's parents were making hard decisions about their child’s medical care, her mother, Megan, started finding heads-up pennies. With every penny she found in random places, the more she started seeing them as signs from God. Finding these pennies helped her make peace with the decisions they were making and get through each day with positivity and hope.
Not only did these pennies begin to impact Megan’s life, but Maelin- Kate also started finding pennies on her own after leaving the hospital. The family began collecting these pennies in a little treasure chest because of how many they were finding. Maelin-Kate refers to her pennies in her chest as her, “Pennies from God.” Just like Maelin-Kate believed God was bringing her the pennies she found on the ground, she believed God would bring her a dog that she would call Penny.
With the impact of the pennies appearing in Megan’s life when she needed reassurance the most, and with the abundance of pennies popping up in Maelin-Kate's life after leaving the hospital, Megan could not dismiss the change of heart for her wish. After officially changing the wish, James Clemons High School was able to help Make-A-Wish Alabama create an incredibly special and memorable day for Maelin-Kate. The money that was raised for local wishes prior to COVID-19 was finally used to bring Maelin-Kate her luckiest Penny yet.
Students, faculty, and staff from James Clemens joined in to reveal Maelin-Kate's wish. The students hosted a pep rally to celebrate the exciting news. Although in-person attendance was limited, the reveal was broadcast live throughout the school so every student could experience the magic of a wish being granted, the students cheered as they watched Maelin-Kate and Penny, her miniature goldendoodle, finally meet. Tears filled the eyes of many in the school’s gymnasium.