I wish to be a princess

I wish to be a princess
For as long as she could remember, Khushi wished to be a princess. However, Khushi’s childhood wasn’t always filled with days where daydreaming about being a princess or dressing up in dress-up clothes was an option. Her fight against neuroblastoma began when she was six years old and put her through countless hospital stays, treatments and uncertainty.
Her dream to be a princess was still there though, and on one unforgettable day Khushi learned that her wish would become reality. Make-A-Wish Alabama volunteers, donors and community members began working to create a wish day that would truly transform Khushi into a princess.
Her wish to be a princess, to forget the treatments and hard parts of her life, was granted in 2018 on a cold December day. Khushi's wish began with a surprise pick-up from her school where she was sprinkled with confetti by her classmates. She and her family embarked on a journey, a royal quest, around Huntsville, and they collected her special princess items along the way. Two of the schools that participate in our Kids for Wish Kids program (Sparkman High and James Clemens High) gave Khushi her crown and scepter, while local business partners, Landers McLarty Subaru and The Broadway Group, gave her the key to the royal suite and her beautiful princess gown.
After hair and makeup completed her physical makeover, observers witnessed the true happiness and fulfillment that come when a child’s one, true wish is granted. Khushi danced and played with glitter during a princess photoshoot, revealing her biggest smiles of the day. Her joy, excitement and confidence were tangible and her transformation was complete.
Later at the Huntsville Christmas Parade, where Khushi was the official princess, the crowds came out bearing handmade signs and thousands of finger lights. Onlookers shouted words of love and encouragement as Khushi passed by on her horse-drawn carriage. The entire community, touched by the story of one little girl, joined together to grant Khushi’s one, true wish with a remarkable outpouring of support.