Wishmakers On Campus®

Impact a child's life. Grant a wish. 

Wishmakers On Campus® is designed as a hands-on, student driven service learning program benefiting Make-A-Wish® Wisconsin. We can provide college organizations, student governments, athletic teams and Greek organizations with ideas, objectives and tools to run a successful fundraiser.  

Success Stories 

Every year, college students just like you work to make a difference in the lives of children living with critical illnesses. We’ve seen events like the Marquette University Rowing Club's Rowathon, Carthage College's Chi Omega Sorority organized a dunk tank fundraisers, UW-Madison held a Dodgeball Tournament and Fashion Show, and students at UW-Milwaukee hold a variety of events throughout the semester to grant a wish of a local child. 

Get Connected 

Many colleges and universities already participate in Wishmakers On Campus. To get connected with your schools Wishmakers On Campus contact person please email Jordyn Dutkiewicz, Events Coordinator, at jdutkiewicz@wisconsin.wish.org. Participating schools include: 

  • UW- Madison Wishmakers On Campus 
  • UW-Milwaukee 
  • UW- La Crosse Wishmakers On Campus 
  • UW- Eau Claire Wishmakers On Campus 
  • UW- Green Bay Wishmakers On Campus 
  • Marquette University Wishmakers On Campus 
  • St. Norbert College Wishmakers On Campus 
  • Chi Omega Theta Delta at Carroll University 
  • Chi Omega Beta Lambda at Carthage College 
  • Chi Omega Nu at UW-Madison 

Get Started 

For information on how to start your own Wishmakers on Campus Student Organization, download our Start a Wishmakers On Campus information sheet. 

If you are interested in organizing a fundraiser, you can download the event registration and licensing form, and return it to Make-A-Wish Wisconsin. 

For information on how to get started, or with general questions—please reach out to Events Coordinator, Jordyn Dutkiewicz.