067_Oliver and C.J. Stroud

Oliver's Wish to Meet C.J. Stroud

Oliver, a young Texans fan who beat cancer, had his heartfelt wish come true when he met his favorite NFL quarterback, C.J. Stroud. 

Oliver and his family traveled from Norfolk to Houston for the once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

Stroud spent time with the whole family, offered support and encouragement, signed memorabilia, and even gave Oliver special access to the Texans locker room. 

Throughout the weekend, they participated in pre-game festivities, got exclusive sideline access before Sunday Night Football, and met other members of the Texans organization.

The experience brought strength, hope, and joy to Oliver and his family, creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.

067_Oliver and Family
067_Oliver and Stroud