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With more than 18-years of active service with Make-A-Wish, Betty exemplifies a standout volunteer. Betty has done everything from working events and speaking as an ambassador to granting wishes and fundraising. Additionally, she also donates at a major gift level.
When the opportunity arose for Betty to be a part of The Star Society, she happily stepped up, just as she has stepped up for countless wish kids and wish families here in Southern Nevada. To date, Betty has granted over 55 wishes and has enjoyed every single one of them. She consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty - from sewing custom Make-A-Wish t-shirts with Velcro and zippers for ease of use to creating custom clothing for the child's dolls. If she is ever handed a microphone, you better believe that she will work Make-A-Wish into the conversation. Her car is detailed with a Make-A-Wish magnet and holds a copy of a wish video on CD in case an opportunity to present Make-A-Wish to a school or other community group comes up.
Betty is a champion of our organization in every sense of the word and we are pleased to have her as a Founding Member of our Star Society. Will you join Betty in this exclusive society? We sure hope so. If you have any questions, please reach out to Angela Heine, Development Specialist at
Platinum Members
- Betty Evans
- Brad and Robyn Englert
- Dr. Ben Enis
- Linda and Bill Richardson
Gold Members
- Al and Cindy Aizenstat
- The Fust Family
- Jim and Caroline Betz
- Tom and Shelly Burns
Silver Members
- Dr. Waseem Alhuski
- Bob Dubin
- Tom Evans
- Heather Harris
- Andrew Jenkin and Ken Vacca
- Dr. Ralph and Patricia Nietrzeba
- Scott Rosenzweig and Michael Brooks
- Jodie, Ella, and Teagan Sacco
- Steve and Julie Schauer
- Travis Scribner & Katie Ross
- Smithman Productions
- Barbara Tapp