Something Wishy This Way Comes
While most people are starting to feel the chill in the air, drinking their pumpkin spice lattes (perish the thought, I’m a peppermint mocha guy all the way), we started our fiscal year in September with a bang, granting 187 wishes and we’re doing what we do, finding every eligible child in Nevada with a critical illness that needs the hope only a wish can provide.
October 2024 is going to be an exciting month for us. As the title suggests, Something Wishy This Way Comes in October so while you get your Halloween costumes ready for the end of the month, we’re readying ourselves for a HUGE announcement at the end of the month. Stay tuned.
Speaking of Halloween, we have a wish that we’re granting on Halloween this year. In my six-year history, I believe this may be the first wish we granted on Halloween here at The Wishing Place. Sure, we’ve had kids who want to go to their favorite theme park on or around a holiday, but this one will be special for all of us as it’s happening in our home. You may wonder what the kiddo wants for his wish. Avery is an incredible (all our kids are incredible) eight-year-old boy who had two years of medical professionals trying to figure out what his illnesses was before doctors determined it was an inflammatory disorder. This kiddo, like all our kiddos, has had a rough road but recently he's feeling better, getting back to himself due to treatment and he came up with one of the more unique wishes we’ve had at our chapter. Avery wishes to collect an unlimited number of costumes. How perfect is that for Halloween? So, whether it’s a police uniform, a hazmat suit, a space suit or a Green Goblin costume, our team has begun the process of putting together an amazing collection for our Avery!
Creativity feeds my soul, and Avery is just another kiddo whose wish allows me to be a kid again. That’s one of the reasons I have the best job in the world. When our kids come in to discover their wishes, if I’m here, I want to meet them and their entire family. Whether we’re imagining their wish together or talking about the “why” of their wish, these kids continue to fill my heart with so much gratitude that our team is so dedicated to our mission to get every eligible child their heartfelt wish.
If you speak to my team, they’ll tell you I speak fast but come up with a million ideas even faster. Being able to use my creativity to troubleshoot or even just adding the cherry on top of the sundae my team creates for our Wish Kiddos, keeps me one happy man. And while we, as a team, are using our creativity to work on Avery’s wish, we’re always working with our other 200+ kids to determine and grant their wishes too. When I became CEO, leaving my position over wish granting, I lost the time to discover wishes and grant them on the regular. I do miss that part of my job, but my creativity comes out in other ways now. Like the UFC Ultimate Wish Planning Room that was recently installed in The Wishing Place and this month, I’m busy on another mission…which falls under the category of Something Wishy This Way Comes. So, continue to follow us on all our social media channels and get ready to be the proud supporters of a new era here at Make-A-Wish. Is your curiosity peaked? Hope so!