I wish to go to the Florida Keys



rare disease

Sienna Finds Inner Calm

Sienna Finds Inner Calm

Sienna’s wish to go to the Florida Keys was more than an amazing family vacation – it was about discovering her true potential

Sienna’s immune system tries to attack her heart so she can’t overwork herself. She experiences a lot of pain in her limbs and battles anxiety that leaves her overthinking her illness.

During her wish, Sienna opened up to being adventurous and enjoyed so many fulfilling new experiences. Her Keys retreat included fishing, a dolphin encounter and animal interactions at the Zoological Wildlife Foundation

"When she is happy, I am happy. She is such a brave girl, and this wish showed her to chase her dreams a little more."
Sienna's father

According to her parents, this trip was “life-changing” because it was the first time that she just let go and was happy to let go. It was a different kind of experience that brought her a new sense of calm and belonging.

Sienna's mother said, “It felt amazing. Her smile hasn’t been that big, not even for us. The smile she had that whole weekend. It was something different.” 

Wish Granters: Kelly Murray & Nicole Sherk
Referred by: Shawn Williams, her father

Wish adopted by Mary and Patrick McClain Foundation