Planned Giving

A deferred gift can help you balance your financial goals and your charitable interests - all while possibly achieving significant tax benefits. A planned gift, such as a bequest in your will or trust, life insurance designations, or stock donation ensures your support for the children we serve well into the future.

Adding a bequest to your will or living trust can be as simple as adding a single sentence. Here's our preferred bequest language; take this to your attorney to use as a starting point. Contact us if you have any questions! 

I give the sum of $___ or ___% to the   Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Southern Florida, Inc., 343 NW 6 Street, Miami, FL 33136 (tax id: 59-2620322)   to be used or disposed of as its Board of Directors deems appropriate in its sole discretion. 

Planned Giving Contact  

Norman Wedderburn 
President and CEO
Finker-Frenkel Wish House
343 NW 6 Street
Miami, FL 33136

(305) 394-8474 ext. 305
Email :