I wish to have a backyard clubhouse




Parker's wish to have a clubhouse

Parker Gets His Clubhouse

Parker, an eight-year-old in remission after battling leukemia, wished to have a backyard clubhouse. He enjoys creating comic books, and wanted to have a space where he could hang out with his friends (and his sister sometimes).

He anxiously kept asking when his clubhouse was coming. His parents made sure the surprise was as amazing as possible by keeping him away from the backyard while it was being assembled. His new clubhouse features a table and chairs, a front patio, battery-operated air conditioners, plus a ladder to the loft.

Service Experts, the company that sponsored his wish, came out in full force on his wish day to add to the excitement. Parker said he looks forward to making the space even more his own by adding some posters and shelves.

“I wasn’t expecting my wish to come true! I am excited to do my homework in the clubhouse, hang out with my friends and sleep.”

Parker’s father said, “Parker was recently diagnosed with autism, so this is a great little escape from the dogs and the house and the day-to-day stuff. The clubhouse keeps him at even keel. He likes to draw and make comics for hours, and this little place represents where he can do that.”

Wish Granters: Fran Garfunkel & Anne Mulhall
Referred by Terrie Johnson, his social worker
Wish adopted by Service Experts

To watch a video from Parker's wish, click here