I wish to have a bedroom makeover



autoimmune disorder

Melaissa's Boho Bedroom

Melaissa's Boho Bedroom

Recovering from a stem cell transplant, 16-year-old wished to transform her bedroom into her personal sanctuary.

She envisioned a beautiful place that she could retreat to for relaxation and privacy. And because of her acid reflux, she needed a bed that has an adjustable base.  

Melaissa shared her vision with interior designer Martin Amado. Together they selected some elements, but there were plenty of surprises in store as well. The planning took months and the installation of everything took weeks. Melaissa was not allowed into her room, so her wish day would be even more emotional.

“I wanted to get Melaissa's room absolutely right because she deserves that. When she saw her room, her reaction was priceless. That’s the reason that I love doing what I do.”

Martin Amado, Design & Lifestyle Expert

When Melaissa opened the door to her wish come true, she was speechless. She and her family explored all the special touches. There are framed pieces of Melaissa’s artwork, which inspired much of the room’s vibe. Her beautiful boho-inspired haven features natural light and earthy tones. There’s a giant pink neon sign that says Melaissa, an adjustable Sleep Number bed, sleek new furniture, and impressive closet organization.

Melaissa couldn’t pick anything as her favorite part of her room. She said, “My room is better than I could have imagined. It feels amazing. I am so very happy and grateful.”

Melaissa’s mother said, “Thank you Make-A-Wish. You made my daughter so happy.”

Wish Granters: Michael Pacheco & Shelby Ruebens
Referred by Dr. Kathryn Torok, her physician
Wish adopted by Sleep Number