I wish to be a mermaid
rare disease

Emmy Flips Out
In the months leading up to her wish trip, Emmy was telling everyone, including strangers, that she was going to the Florida beach.
The Boca Raton was the perfect home away from home. Emmy, her sister and her parents spent the first two days splashing away in the resort’s pool. They kept looking toward the ocean but never saw any mermaids. Then one night, they watched “The Little Mermaid” and said a little prayer to see mermaids. The next morning, while looking for shells along the beach, they stumbled upon two mermaids along the shore. Emmy was in disbelief and had to touch their tails to make sure they were real. The girls and the mermaids chatted about their favorite colors, and made a heart in the sand with seashells they found together.
“Today has been fantastic. The night before we said a little prayer for mermaids…and now they’re in heaven.”
Afterward, the mermaids invited them for a swim in the pool, where Emmy and her sister received their very own mermaid tails. Soon, all the mermaids were floating, swimming, laughing and posing for photos together. To end their day, the mermaids (in human form) met with Emmy to enjoy their first taste of pizza.
Wish granted in collaboration with Make-A-Wish Middle Tennessee