I wish to have a horse



nervous system disorder

Cody Takes the Reins

Cody Takes the Reins

Cody is a 15-year-old animal lover who battles a nervous system disorder and autism. 

He dreams of having his own farm when he grows up, and he loves to be a caretaker. Cody has a “mini zoo” at home because animals bring him love and comfort, and he wished to add a horse to his family.

On his wish day, he arrived to find the stables decorated, and his new friend, Chief, all saddled up. Cody has ridden horses before and has no anxiety when in the saddle, a welcome change from his worries about an upcoming surgery. Make-A-Wish also provided six months of boarding, food and a saddle.

“He can forget about everything that’s going on medically and what’s coming down the pike and just be able to concentrate on himself and the horse.”
Cody's mother

It has been a few short months since Cody got Chief. Their friendship has benefited Cody in many ways. He has a new sense of purpose as he wakes up every morning excited to care for Chief. He has learned new skills through his experience. Chief has been great therapy for Cody, relaxing his mind and allowing him to focus on being a kid.

Cody’s mother said, “Chief is Cody’s pride and joy. When Cody is having a bad day, he can come to the barn and everything goes away. After he sees Chief, brushes him, rides, gives him treats, and bathes him, Cody goes home like nothing bad happened that day. It’s as if all his worries and anxiety have lifted. Chief has been such a gift. Every day I just say thank you.“

Wish Granters: Taylor Norman & Kristen Shovlin
Referred by Erica Luft, his mother
Wish adopted by Clark Family Foundation

To watch a video from Cody's wish, click here