I wish to have a dirt bike

Anthony's Dream Ride
His battle took away his spirit. He didn’t want to talk to anyone or smile. Somedays, he wanted to give up. But he persevered, finishing his treatment and ringing the bell on his birthday.
When Make-A-Wish entered Anthony’s life, it was a complete shift for him. He discovered dirt bikes in 2nd grade and started riding one in 5th grade. The dirt bike he used to own was stolen and his family has not been able to replace it for him. Without hesitation, Anthony wished to have a dirt bike.
The anticipation kept building. Anthony loved his old dirt bike and expressed how having a new one would bring him joy. He stayed in contact with his wish granters to keep up-to-date on the progress of his dream. The outgoing and happy teen resurfaced as he would tell everyone he was getting his wish!
“I would try to go to sleep and I’d instantly start dreaming about the bike. Because of the excitement in my dream, I wouldn’t be able to sleep. It would wake me right back up.”
When his wish day arrived, Anthony was surrounded by family and friends in the showroom. His smile returned bigger than ever as he laid eyes on his brand new red, Honda dirt bike with customized tires. He also received all the safety equipment necessary. He couldn’t wait to get home and take his new ride for a spin with his friends who also have dirt bikes.
Anthony said, “I’m not going to let go of this smile, like I have right now. It was a long journey I fought. When I have kids, I’ll tell them the story of having cancer. I’ll tell them everything I went through, how it was and how it ended. It ended very nice, thanks to Make-A-Wish. I love you guys.”
Wish Granters: Natalie Diaz & Maria Planas
Referred by: Lilliam Rimblas, his nurse
Wish adopted by Air South Mechanical