I wish to go to Hawaii
brain cancer

David's wish to go to Hawaii
After his diagnosis, David’s illness had taken the wheel and became the “driver” in his everyday life. Once David learned that his wish would be granted, he began to feel the immense joy that his true wish would give him. Cancer has finally taken the “backseat.”
A week before 5th grade, David started having a series of episodes that included severe headaches and nausea. After an initial doctor’s visit, an MRI was scheduled on David’s first day of school. However, being the social butterfly he is, David expressed his desire to go to school after his appointment to be with his friends and attend his favorite class, P.E. Later, David’s mother received a call that David needed to go to Denver for surgery, as the test found a tennis-ball sized tumor embedded in his cerebellum.
Medical staff wasted no time in treating his critical illness. After diagnosis, David and his family traveled to Denver, so he could undergo surgery to remove the tumor. Carefully, the surgeons were able to remove the entirety of the tumor. The family had traveled back home to start physical therapy. With David’s active determination, he was able to run in a cross-country race only two weeks after surgery, as his friends and family cheered him on.
Within the year after diagnosis, David had surgery and physical therapy, thirty radiation treatments, and started chemotherapy. Though cancer turned his world upside-down in some of the worst ways, there is something that kept motivating him through the treatments. David was referred to Make-A-Wish and qualified for a wish. After meeting with his wish granting team and family, David decided he wanted to go to Hawaii with his family.
The family’s anticipation and excitement grew as the trip got nearer. However, it was hard for them to believe someone else was planning every single detail of their trip for them and paying the expenses. David’s mom said, “I didn’t anticipate the Make-A-Wish team to think of everything. We didn’t have to worry about the cost and stress of things; we just had something to look forward to! Make-A-Wish thought through every small detail to make things special for us.”
“This is epic!” became a frequent phrase that David said during his trip. David wanted to go to a warm beach where his entire family could relax and enjoy themselves and they did just that! As soon as they made it to Hawaii and unpacked, David wanted to go to the beach to roll in the sand, then run in the ocean to wash off and repeated this many times. This simple thing was the first and last thing that David did each day. “His smile was incredible. Seeing David experiencing the beach and being genuinely happy was the best part!” said David’s mom, Lynette.
Aside from “holoholo” (to venture) time, the family got to go on a zipline tour on Oahu’s North Shore while learning about Hawaii’s rich history and culture and taking in the panoramic views. This was the family’s favorite activity during the trip. David also received a custom Waikiki surf lesson. David and his family can look through the photos they took and the souvenirs they brought home and reminisce on their once-in-a-lifetime trip.
This is perfect; it was exactly what I wanted and dreamed about!
Wish Kid David
David is now done with treatment and continues to have MRIs every three months. David and his family are incredibly thankful for this trip and what it has done to bring their family closer together. Lynette said, "This trip and organization was an unconditional gift of kindness and love. It didn’t focus on cancer; it focused on making good memories and happiness. It was emotionally rejuvenating and a stress reliever for our family."
This life-changing wish would not be possible without the financial support of our generous donors, partnership with Make-A-Wish Hawaii and volunteers Brad, Zach and Amber.