Press Release photo of 2020 WISH Society

Eight South Carolina Women Recognized for Philanthropic Achievement 

The South Carolina 2020 W.I.S.H. Society Honorees Creatively Raised Funds to Grant Wishes for Children Battling Critical Illnesses

Statewide, South Carolina (January 22, 2021) – On January 21, 2021, Make-A-Wish®South Carolina had the pleasure of recognizing eight South Carolina women for their philanthropic achievements via a virtual award ceremony.  Each dynamic woman was a 2020 honoree in the W.I.S.H. Society. Honorees had been nominated to the elite networking and fundraising Society for their professional achievements and commitment to building compassion and resilience in their communities – embodying the title of Women Inspiring Strength and Hope. The honorees each accepted the challenge to raise a minimum of $7,500, which is acknowledged as a fully funded wish in S.C. to a child who has been diagnosed with a critical illness.

The awards ceremony honored each woman for individual achievements and the group collectively raised $60,000 for South Carolina children, an astounding accomplishment. The ceremony also included an address from keynote speaker, Tiombe Plair, a cancer and blood disorder social worker with the Medical University of South Carolina and award presentation from wish mom and local artist, Laura Carroll.

"I am overwhelmingly proud of our 2020 W.I.S.H. Society honorees,” said Misty Farmer, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish South Carolina. “This past year certainly was not what any of us expected when the Honorees began their journey. When the impact of COVID-19 began to become clear we realized how challenging the campaign would be for them. But to say I am impressed with how they’ve each handled it would be an understatement. They all worked so hard and are amazing advocates for our wish families. Their efforts will create long-lasting hope for local kids." 

To raise funds each woman hosted creative fundraisers and solicited donations from their personal networks. The highlight of the award ceremony was the announcement of W.I.S.H. Society’s Woman of the Year, Elizabeth Palmer, for raising the most funds during the season. Palmer, a senior at Furman University, raised $10,805. Palmer and all the other honorees have a true passion for Make-A-Wish and creating life-changing wishes.

“Hope is essential when battling a serious illness and that’s what each woman has given a child – hope,” said Farmer. “When a wish comes true, it transforms anxiety into hope and sadness into joy. For many wish kids, it marks a turning point in their fight against their illnesses. With more than 400 South Carolina children waiting for their wish right now, hope is needed more than ever. The W.I.S.H. Society honorees have made a monumental contribution towards the wellness of children in our communities.”

On behalf of all staff members of Make-A-Wish South Carolina and the many wish kids who will have their wish granted from the funds raised by the W.I.S.H. Society, we would like to thank the honorees: Elizabeth Palmer, Carmen Scott, Carter Mello, Erin Cannon, Michele Miller, Susan Tallman, Sheri Taylor and Thayleigh Brent.  

To learn more about the honorees or to support an honoree, visit For more information about Make-A-Wish, visit  


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Make-A-Wish® creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We are on a quest to bring every eligible child's wish to life because a wish is an integral part of a child's treatment journey. Research shows children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. The chapter receives funding through private donations, individuals, companies, and special events. For more information about Make-A-Wish South Carolina, visit and discover ways you can help make wishes come true.