Young Professional Board
Thank you to this esteemed group of Young Professionals who are a diverse group of emerging leaders who act as brand ambassadors in support of the Make-A-Wish mission and who are passionate about being active and philanthropic members of their community. This group uses their significant talents to support the chapter in granting wishes for kids with critical illnesses while enjoying opportunities to volunteer, grow their leadership skills and expand their networks. Members engage in a passionate pursuit to increase Make-A-Wish awareness in the communities in which they work and live.
If you are interested in joining, please fill out the interest form here.
To learn more about the Young Professionals Board and how to get involved, please contact Joanna Kim,



Event Co-Chair

Event Co-Chair

Litigation Associate

Director of Upper School Admissions


Postdoctoral Fellow

AVP, Executive Assistant & Human Resources Manager

Senior Brand Manager

Senior Management Assistant

Product Manager
Assurance Manager

Senior Medical Science Liaison

Financial Advisor

Marketing Manager

Marketing Communications Coordinator

Medical Student


Senior Associate