Sapphire Fund

Make-A-Wish ® Philadelphia, Delaware & Susquehanna Valley has created the Sapphire Fund. In our region, 60% of the wishes granted each year are for a child with cancer. Each gift to the Sapphire Fund moves us closer to reaching all children facing cancer waiting for their wish. Children battling cancer across our region need wishes now more than ever. Your investment can give that child an edge in their fight.
Our staff and volunteers work alongside medical care teams to bring a childfocused approach to cancer care. We spend time with each child and their family, listening to their stories and understanding their needs. Over time, our conversations shift from fear to hope. That's the moment a wish is born. From there, we work alongside the child's family, community and medical care team to bring the child's imagination to life in the form of a wish. A wish becomes a journey, bringing transformation at every step of the way - from anticipation, to experience, to memory.
Why Sapphire?
The name for the Sapphire Fund was inspired by the birthstone for the month of September, Sapphire. Every September, childhood cancer organizations around the world recognize it as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

18-year-old, Sydney, from West Chester, PA., shares her wish journey prior to her wish being granted. The Sapphire Fund will financially support the wishes of children with a cancer diagnosis, like Sydney, in our region.
92% of our wish alumni share that the wish journey helps build the physical and emotional strength needed to fight cancer. It brings families together in lifechanging moments in ways that 98% of our medical providers agree relieves the stress related to their child's illness.

Jennifer Davis, President & CEO, Make-A-Wish® Philadelphia, Delaware & Susquehanna Valley introduces the Sapphire Fund. Joining Jennifer is Lizzy, a local wish kid, who shares the impact the wish experience had on her during her treatment for cancer.