From wish granter to wish dad: Criss Angel shines for Make-A-Wish
While he may be best known as one of the nation's top magicians and illusionists, at Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada, we are fortunate to know Criss Angel as both a Wish Granter and a Wish Dad. As a Wish Granter, Angel has been instrumental in getting kids out of their environment - no matter the cost or resources needed - to come to his show. He has granted 49 wishes for kids from all over the world to come see his show and spent one-on-one time with each of them. Even more notable than that, he's stayed in touch with the families of these kids for years after the wish has been granted.
The Make-A-Wish mission hit even closer to home for Angel and his family when his own son, Johnny Crisstopher, was diagnosed with leukemia in 2015. Initially reticent about granting a wish for Johnny, the family finally agreed to a meet-and-greet with Ryan from Ryan Toys Review. During Johnny’s treatments, the family enjoyed watching hours and hours of Ryan’s YouTube channel so it made perfect sense. When Ryan met Johnny, Johnny linked arms with him and the two seemed like they had been friends for years. This was the moment that Angel went from being a wish granter to a wish dad. He felt the power that a wish has for a child from the perspective of a parent. He was blown away, and his integral support of our mission was further cemented.
Through the Johnny Crisstopher Charitable Foundation, Angel not only supports our mission by granting wishes, but also financially contributes to our organization to ensure every eligible child in Southern Nevada gets a wish. With no federal funding, we rely on community partners to fund wishes and Angel has repeatedly showed up for our kids as one of our most valued community partners.
On a national level, Angel has been awarded both the ‘Male Wish Granter of the Year’ in 2010 and the ‘Chris Greicius Award’ in 2007, the highest honor bestowed by the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Having such an incredible organizational supporter right here in Las Vegas has been a blessing for our chapter. His willingness to step in and share his magic with our kids and our entire network has been extraordinary.
Angel understands the importance of community – particularly in times of hardship – and how we are all better when we lift those up around us. Our chapter created the Criss Angel Magic Wand Award in his honor which recognizes a volunteer outstanding to the cause. Though it would be hard to match his contributions, he serves as an inspiration to those around him.