Something Old, Something New, Always Make-A-Wish Blue
In my almost six years with Make-A-Wish, this is turning out to be the most exciting year ever. (Reminder that our fiscal year begins in September each year) As we launch into November and the holidays, I have a lot to be thankful for and lots to share.
First, let’s get the old out of the way. Old is me. I’m turning 60 this month and our chapter is going through a RENOvation of sorts. Here’s some history for you. Soon after founding the first chapter, Make-A-Wish Arizona, in October 1982, Make-A-Wish Nevada was formed as the second chapter. In 1996, the Board of Directors and leadership separated the state into Northern Nevada and formed Southern Nevada as a stand-alone chapter. The Northern Nevada chapter was eventually absorbed by a California chapter that encompassed a large region from Fresno to Sacramento and included Northern Nevada. We’ve worked hard at Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada to ensure financial stability and that no child with a critical illness will have to wait one day longer than necessary to have their wish granted. We have been working diligently to ensure that we could serve the entire state and at the start of our fiscal year (September 2024) we reunited the state, becoming Make-A-Wish Nevada once more! (Although I don’t fall into our eligibility requirements of being between 2 ½ to 18 years old when referred and I don’t have a critical illness, MY wish was granted!) So, as they say, everything old is new again. At least to our current team. As we take on this new adventure, we’re humbled by the communities that support us across this state, Nevada. And we're thrilled to announce it to the public, appropriately on Nevada Day, October 25, 2024.

What will be new about this endeavor is that we have a lot of work to do to ensure everyone across the state is one degree of separation from us. If you’ve read any of my blogs or heard me speak you know that one degree of separation is a goal I created when I became CEO in October 2021. It means the community knows we’re not a dying wish in most cases (86% of our children with critical illnesses go on to lead extraordinary lives), you’ve attended a wish reveal, know a Wish kiddo or attended one of our events to learn more about us. This one degree of separation, will help us find every eligible child and fund their wishes. I’m confident, based on meeting with folks from around the state that we’re up for this challenge, together.

No matter what the jurisdiction we cover, one thing remains the same. We have a simple mission. Take a child with a critical illness and replace the fear with hope in the form of a wish. Whether it’s going to a destination with their family or creating a makeup line for cancer patients, whatever our kids dream up, that allows them to focus on what will be bring them joy and help them heal through happiness is what we aim to deliver. I guess it’s no coincidence that blue is a healing color. But Make-A-Wish blue heals and presents possibility to anyone who encounters it. Countless supporters and I too know that when you grant a life-changing wish, your life changes a bit too. When you see a child and family battling a critical illness and then see their faces light up with possibility, how can you not be lifted too? The simple answer is you can’t, and I’m humbled to have witness this time and time again during my tenure with Make-A-Wish.