I wish to have an all-terrain wheelchair
neuromuscular disorder

Damian Feels Freedom
He just wants to be a normal kid and participate in activities with his Boy Scouts troop without burdening others, or being limited to where he can go. According to his father, his wish to have an all-terrain wheelchair will “change his entire world.”
When he arrived at a Hollywood Beach pavilion, he thought it was just a typical barbeque. He didn’t know it was time for the big reveal and his first off-road adventure on the sand in front of his family, friends and fellow Boy Scouts.
The wheelchair empowers Damian who wants to go on more outdoor adventures, and fully participate in camping and hiking with his Boy Scouts troop. With his old wheelchair, he had to rely on others to push him and he couldn’t go very far, or on different surfaces. His wish gives him the gift of independent mobility on any dry surface, enables him to climb hills, and even elevates him to a standing position so he can reach things higher up in his own home. Even better, his new ride is equipped with its own generator that recharges the battery.
Wish Granters: Julie Kasen & Marguerite Rogers
Referred by his parents
Wish adopted by The Cross Family Foundation