Charlie has been a part of the Make-A-Wish family for almost two decades. His volunteer journey began 15 years ago when he lived in California and volunteered for our sister chapter, Make-A-Wish San Diego. When Charlie moved to Missouri, he wanted to continue granting wishes for children as he knew the impact these wishes have on local kids. Charlie then became an active volunteer for Missouri & Kansas in 2012. Since Charlie moved, he has granted over 20 life-changing wishes.
Make-A-Wish knows that the power of a wish helps children with critical illnesses replace fear and anxiety with happiness and hope. Charlie believes in the power of a wish because he knows first-hand how it can change a child’s life.
To Charlie, the best part of being a wish granter is “seeing the look on a child’s face while going through the process knowing that Make-A-Wish is able to take them from thinking about being ill and changing it to something they can look forward to.”
Thanks to volunteers like Charlie, Make-A-Wish Missouri & Kansas over 9,000 wishes have been granted to local children in Missouri & Kansas. To learn more about our volunteer opportunities and how you can help grant wishes like Charlie, please visit wish.org/mokan/volunteer.