I wish to have a girl's shopping spree
heart condition

I wish to have a girl's shopping spree
heart condition
However, she also has other things on her mind as she was born with four heart defects that severely impaired its function. Because of this, at her young age, she has already had four open heart surgeries. “I think fear is the only word I can use to describe that day,” explained Katie, Amelia’s mom, of the fist surgery. “We didn’t fully understand what was going on or what the future would hold.” Of course, Amelia tackled the surgery, and every one since, with great strength and while her condition is always a part of her life, her parents make it a priority to have her live as normally as possible. “I have to take life a little slower,” says Amelia. But that doesn’t stop her from living life enthusiastically and with flare!
One of Amelia’s nurses brought up the possibility of Make-A-Wish and once she was referred, it was no surprise that her wish was to have a day of shopping with the women in her family. “I’ve always loved shopping and wanted to go on a big shopping spree,” Amelia shared. Her wish came at just the right time as she had just had her fourth heart surgery. “We would remind her often about [her upcoming wish] when she was sad in the hospital,” explained mom.
When her big wish weekend finally came, it started with a stay in big hotel suite. She was given a new dress to wear for her day of shopping and was picked up in style by a limo. Once at the mall she was able to hit all the stores her heart desired from Bath & Body Works to Claire’s to Forever 21 and so much more. “My absolute favorite was getting to shop in stores by myself with personal shoppers. I felt like a celebrity!” Amelia says. She was even treated to having her hair and make-up done as if she was going to hit the red carpet.
Wishes like Amelia’s may seem like they only last a day or two but in reality, the memories made during these once-in-a-lifetime experiences last much longer. “She has said many times since her trip that it was THE BEST WEEKEND OF HER LIFE,” expressed Amelia’s mom. Even during these uncertain times, it is clear that hope truly is essential and a wish experience gives that hope to children like Amelia and their families.