I wish to have a handicap accessible ramp
nervous system disorder

Collin's Wish
Collin’s struggle with a nervous system disorder is on display for every person who encounters him. Every day, he faces obstacles confined to a wheelchair and requires daily nursing care. No child should have to endure the challenges he’s confronted with.
One of Collin’s favorite activities is the simple pleasure of being outside with his family. While his family has done everything they can to ensure he feels a part of the action – putting his bedroom on the first floor with large glass sliding doors, carrying him out of the house, and buying him a hammock swing to relax on –getting him outside has not been easy. As he’s gotten older, carrying him outside has become a difficult task. His mother Maggie shared, “Taking him in and out of the home was very stressful for him, he would always fuss, he would act like you were going to drop him, he was very scared, and it was heartbreaking.”
When Make-A-Wish reached out to Collin’s family about granting him a wish, they had a special request for their son – to build a handicap accessible ramp. It takes a community to grant wishes and Collin’s wish is just one example. After contacting Brubaker Inc. with Collin’s story, without hesitation they jumped on board to make this wish a reality.
Doug Brubaker explained, “We are honored to have been asked to spearhead this initiative. Ours is a service and servanthood-oriented business at Brubaker Inc. We are glad for the opportunity to give back to the community when we can; especially in this way. It is heartening and gratifying to partner with others to reach out and help someone else who is in need or could benefit from our lending a hand.” Neffsville Mennonite Church and East Petersburg Borough joined to help construct Collin’s ramp. Upon completion, a ribbon cutting celebration took place at Collin’s home marking his first time going down the new ramp. Joining Make-A-Wish were all the generous individuals who played a role in building and planning Collin’s wish. Collin’s mother commented, “We couldn't have asked for a better group of people and we feel so incredibly blessed.” Collin will replace fear with newfound confidence as he navigates daily life in and out of his home.