I wish to be a robot superhero
heart condition

Gaige's Wish to be a Robot Superhero
Diagnosed with neoplasms since birth, Gaige has always been a fighter. He had to undergo open heart surgery in 2019, and through his diagnosis has shown people how selfless he truly is.
His great love for science and robots definitely helped to inspire his wish, but it came down to one simple truth: Gaige loves helping others. He has spent a great deal of his childhood surrounded by doctors who have helped him, and he wanted to return the favor in any way he could.

At the end of the day, Gaige knew he wanted to complete three tasks: stop a bank robbery, put out a fire, and save someone from a collapsing building. These three tasks were the leading force behind his Wish Day which took place on February 27th, 2020.
Gaige was first welcomed into the Sheriff’s Department and named an honorary Sheriff for the day. He was then introduced to the local SWAT Team which would assist him in completing his missions throughout the day.
The bank robbery was mission #1 on the adventure he had no idea was coming. After being carefully escorted in his very own motorcade, he was informed that the robber was inside needing immediate withdrawal. Without any hesitation, Gaige flashed his laser on the robber and saved the citizens of the bank from what could have been very dangerous.
Mission #2 consisted of putting out a fire with the local fire department. Gaige was lifted into the sky by a bucket truck and successfully rescued a citizen from the growing flames and smoke. Gaige’s strength was shown throughout as he whipped the fire hose like he had practiced several times before.
The final mission of the day occurred when Gaige was notified of a citizen who was trapped in a collapsing building needing immediate assistance. Through debris, smoke and little to no outside light, Gaige savaged through the building and rescued his fellow Orlando citizen from a second-floor room.
Gaige became Orlando’s hero that Thursday and his dedication and strength will never be forgotten. His wish spread not only through the entire Orlando community, but throughout the country and beyond borders. Gaige felt proud to wear his badge and knew he made a difference which was his goal all along, “I felt like a could do anything.”
Gaige may have wished to be a hero, but he was also able to give the community a piece of his strength that will last forever.
For the community of volunteers that contributed to making Gaige’s wish come true, this day was more than just a kind gesture for one critically ill child. By contributing their time and energies, Make-A-Wish Central and North Florida is able to grant hundreds of wishes every year.
To learn more about our events and volunteer opportunities, contact Make-A-Wish Central and North Florida today or visit cnfl.wish.org.