I wish to be an ice cream man
Wyatt's Wish to be an Ice Cream Man
Something that makes Wyatt unique from other young boys his age, is that he has been diagnosed with leukemia. Since the diagnosis, his life has been filled with hectic doctor’s appointments and treatments. He truly deserved to have a break from his taxing reality and simply enjoy being a normal 5 year old boy. It was at this point that Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida stepped in to grant Wyatt a wish!
Wyatt was met by two incredible wish granters who came to his home to discuss what his heartfelt wish would be. Since Wyatt has always dreamed about becoming an Ice Cream Man when he grows up, it was no surprise that he was granted a wish to be an Ice Cream Man for a day.

Watch Wyatt's Wish on our YouTube Channel!

The day of the wish finally arrived, and Wyatt was ready to live out his dream job. Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida partnered with a local Ice Cream Truck Driver, who arranged for Wyatt to take over the business for the day. When the Ice Cream Truck arrived at Wyatt’s home, he received his very own customized work shirt with the title of the Ice Cream Truck, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for… Wyatt’s Ice Cream.” There was even a customized sign with this saying on the Ice Cream Truck so everyone knew it was Wyatt’s.
After Wyatt finished getting dressed in his work uniform, he adventured off into his neighborhood eager to sell some delicious treats to the community. Wyatt’s wish granters along with several other volunteers, showed up to support Wyatt and informed his entire neighborhood to come out and enjoy some Ice Cream. “Everyone was so excited to come out and support Wyatt’s wish and they truly made him feel like a celebrity Ice Cream Truck Driver,” stated Wyatt’s mother Brittany.
For Wish Kids like Wyatt, having their dreams fulfilled is more than an experience. Make-A-Wish allows them to create unforgettable memories that last a lifetime. But we can’t do it alone.
If you’re looking for a way to give back in your local community, consider volunteering with Make-A-Wish Central and North Florida. Your time and energy can help make a world of difference.