Our Staff Our People Sara Kurovski President & CEO sarak@iowa.wish.org 515-334-2636 Greg Bellville Vice President of Mission gbellville@iowa.wish.org Natalie Brecht Director of Revenue nbrecht@iowa.wish.org Terry Gallagher Director of Finance tgallagher@iowa.wish.org Chelsea Koenig Manager of Key Partners ckoenig@iowa.wish.org Carol TeBockhorst Director of Philanthropic Giving ctebockhorst@iowa.wish.org Anna Mason Wish Creation Manager amason@iowa.wish.org Bill Badgley Wish Specialist bbadgley@iowa.wish.org Allyson Naeve Intake Specialist anaeve@iowa.wish.org Caely Tietz Wish Approval Specialist ctietz@iowa.wish.org Brittany Burklund Wish Specialist bburklund@iowa.wish.org Cassidy Gomez Event Manager cgomez@iowa.wish.org Alli Rowedder Operations and Data Manager arowedder@iowa.wish.org Megan Kurth Development and Communications Coordinator mkurth@iowa.wish.org Diane Heckman Volunteer Wish Discovery and Relations Manager dheckman@iowa.wish.org Callie Myers Wish Specialist cmyers@iowa.wish.org