I wish to go to a dude ranch

Mary Alice


blood disorder

Wish kid Mary Alice riding a horse wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses
Create joy for a child fighting a critical illness.

Local Events in Iowa

 32nd Annual Des Moines Gala

Wishes on Deck: An All-Star Softball Game

26th Annual Riverbend Gala: Wishes in Bloom


We grant wishes for children in all 99 counties in Iowa


Every 20 minutes, a child is ​diagnosed with a critical illness


critically ill children are waiting for their life-changing wish across the state of Iowa


The Make-A-Wish Iowa staff is made up of 17 passionate individuals who are dedicated to Wish Families in Iowa.


Make-A-Wish Iowa has over 600 statewide volunteers who help bring the mission to life


Wishes granted throughout the last fiscal year to Wish Kids in Iowa

Ways to Get Involved 

Make-A-Wish Iowa received its largest gift in the organization's history!

There are over 350 children in Iowa waiting for their wish. You can change their lives.

Behind every wish is a unique story and we would love to share yours!