Sponsor Promotions

Products & Promotions 

We are grateful to the following supporters who are offering promotions to benefit Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida. Please consider doing business with these kind supporters. You can also shop for products with the Make-A-Wish logo and help grant wishes. 

Star Wish Bracelets 

Samantha Simon, a South Florida high school student, wants to help make wishes come true. She is selling homemade bracelets for $5 each. 100% of the proceeds will go to Make-A-Wish Southern Florida. She has set a goal of selling 1,000 bracelets! For more information, check out her Instagram page or email mystarwishbraceletproject@gmail.com.  

Make-A-Wish Products 

Help support wish granting through purchases of products offered by Make-A-Wish sponsors in stores or online.  

eBay Giving Works

The eBay Giving Works program offers buyers, sellers and donors an easy opportunity to benefit Make-A-Wish through activities on the online auction site.