Mia's Princess Ball
Mia's Princess Ball
Mia is a sweet and kind 10-year-old with a big heart. At age 4 she was diagnosed with Alexander’s Disease, a degenerative neurological disorder that has caused her to lose mobility and the ability to speak. Now she uses a wheelchair most of the time. Some days, Mia feels sad that she cannot play and engage in the same activities as her siblings and other children her age.
Caring for a child with a critical medical condition is not easy. Mia’s illness has affected her loving family both emotionally and financially. On top of caring for Mia and her life-threatening medical condition full-time, they must also deal with mounting medical bills to help manage Mia’s treatment plan and help her feel less pain and discomfort. Critical diseases take a toll on both the child and family.
Despite these many challenges, Mia remains a fun-loving little girl who loves stuffed animals, princesses, playing games on her tablet, playing with her siblings, and watching movies with her family. Even though Mia must cope with difficult and ongoing treatments and multiple medications to help manage her condition, she remains positive and hopeful. When Mia learned she would receive a wish, she became cheerful and enthusiastic because the idea of a wish coming true gave her something positive and creative
to focus on and even dream about.
With your help and a team of volunteers, together, we brought Mia’s wish to life—a special wish to have a royal ball-themed celebration. She dreamt of wearing a pink princess dress with a sparkling crown and she did! Mia enjoyed celebrating with over 80 guests including special family and many friends, a delicious meal, a princess candy-and-dessert bar, a pink royal throne, a special father-daughter dance, a ballroom dance performance and a royal court presentation to complete the day. It was the most beautiful day surrounded by all her special friends and loved ones. Her father shared that Mia has a special superpower - her smile - a beautiful smile that lights up the room. She was all smiles on her wish day and her joy was shared by all.