I wish to have an aboveground pool
nervous system disorder

Aubrey Swims for Smiles
Because of her illness and all the equipment that she requires, trips to the local pool or beach are tedious and cumbersome. That’s why an aboveground pool in her backyard is the perfect wish.
It’s not a sad world, it’s a different world. We always have to be more positive. We take it day by day and make it the best and the happiest we can.
Aubrey's mother
The addition of a pool in the backyard will make life even happier. Her family will be able to cool off and enjoy more healthy quality time together. The pool will create smiles and laughter for Aubrey, while providing an easily accessible outlet for fun and exercise. Another benefit of the pool will be water therapy. Aubrey has problems with her muscles, and swimming is a relaxing way to ease her muscles.
She said, “I’m very, very happy for the opportunity to have this pool. It’s amazing for my daughter and our whole family. I’m so grateful to Make-A-Wish.”
After months of anticipation, Aubrey was the guest of honor at a special celebration with her family and friends. First Horizon Foundation, her wish sponsor, was in attendance to add to the fun, bringing her floats and floaties to help her splash to her heart’s content.
Her pool is her new happy place with her siblings and family dog, Marley. It’s a welcome retreat from an everyday life filled with extraordinary challenges.
Aubrey’s mother said, “Not a lot of things make her smile like the water. It’s such a blessing. She’s just a little mermaid. She goes in the pool and she turns into another little girl…relaxed, happy. Yeah, she just loves it.”
Wish Granter: Sydney Hanson
Referred by Dr. Sophia French, her physician
Wish adopted by First Horizon Foundation