I wish to have a musical she shed
respiratory disorder

Faith Makes Healing Music
She taught herself how to play several instruments. Because of her illness, she needs breathing treatments and the air produced during these treatments affect her instruments, rusting the guitar strings and pitting her drums. Her greatest wish was to have a musical she shed that would act as her music studio and provide the perfect climate-controlled storage for all her instruments.
For months, Faith anticipated the day that she could finally enter her new private space. She could see the progress of her shed from her bedroom window but she didn’t want to ruin the surprise so she kept her blinds shut. Blindfolded and surrounded by friends and family, Faith was led outside to see her wish come true. There was a ribbon cutting, and a wish celebration featuring her favorite fast food and a delicious cake.
The reality of her wish is even better than she hoped. Her piano, guitars, ukelele and drums were ready and waiting so she could start her first jam session. Everything is easily accessible so she can get rid of distractions and focus on her music.
"This is a big, big wish and it really means a lot to Faith. Her instruments have a home. She can make music and keep her happy spirit going."
Faith's mother
Finished just in time for summer, her new private escape is an 8x12 foot climate-controlled, structure with vinyl plank flooring. Equipped with a noise absorber, the shed will make it possible for Faith to play as loud as she wants and at whatever time she wants without disturbing others. There is a chalkboard wall, several racks and holders to house all her instruments, and accessories to inspire her. The walls were left mostly blank so that Faith can make the space her own.
With a huge smile on her face, Faith declared, “It’s really, really cool and I love it so much!”
Wish Granters: Karen Anne Kober & Patricia Vosk
Referred by Kimberly McDonough, her mother
Wish adopted by Sarasota Ford