I wish to see snow
bone marrow transplant

Deon's Snowy Escape
Ever since he was diagnosed with a blood disorder as an infant, Deon has fought an intense battle that culminated in rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant.
After all he has endured and survived, it was time to celebrate with his wish to see snow. He was also very proud because his wish would be the first time anyone in his family had experienced snow.
Once in Vermont, Deon embarked on a winter wonderland of activities including tours of the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory and the Ben & Jerry’s Factory. He loved bundling up in hats and heavy coats that he’d never need in South Florida. There were snow angels and sled rides, but the highlight was a huge snowball fight.
“This wish marks the completion of what he endured and survived. It was an adventure to celebrate him being a ‘normal’ kid.”
Deon's mother
As Deon and his family reached the top of a snowy hill, they were surprised to see dozens of kids and adults waiting for him in the freezing cold. Holding signs of encouragement and cheering for him, these strangers volunteered to help create the most epic snowball fight ever for Deon! He said, “It meant a lot to me that people I don’t even know came to cheer me on for beating my blood disorder and being healthier.” Deon was very excited, and a little nervous, but as soon as the first snowball was launched, he jumped right in. Before long, there was nothing but smiles, laughter and flying snow everywhere.
“The snowball fight was one of the most amazing moments I’ve ever witnessed. I was in tears – it was so beautiful!”
Deon's mother
Wish Granters: Karen Mullins & Jennifer Sorokowski
Referred by his mother
Wish adopted by the Davidowitz Family
Referred by his mother
Wish adopted by the Davidowitz Family