I wish for a playset

Evelyn's Playset Wish
Meet Evelyn
Evelyn has been through a lot in her six years. First as a toddler, she emigrated from China to snowy Colorado with her family, followed by a move to Florida several months later. While she has few memories of these early years, no one in her family can forget what happened later.
In January of 2021, Evelyn was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma, a type of cancerous tumor that predominantly affects children under 5 years of age. Suddenly, this happy-go-lucky girl who loves singing and dancing couldn’t summon the strength to play or even eat.
When their local hospital was unable to provide adequate treatment, Evelyn’s parents—Anthony and Coco—moved to Gainesville so that their daughter could benefit from the care at UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital.
After a high dose of chemo and a surgery to remove more than 95% of the tumor, doctors were hopeful about Evelyn’s prognosis. But just three weeks later, the four-year-old started exhibiting signs of weakness.
A CT scan revealed that her tumor had come back.
The Bravest Kid

Evelyn’s medical team pivoted to a stronger form of treatment involving more chemo and immunotherapy. Her doctors even recommended an autologous bone marrow transplant. During this procedure, Evelyn’s own bone marrow was removed, treated with chemotherapy, and put back in her body to encourage the growth of healthy cells.
By December of 2021, things were looking good for the Buscemi family. Evelyn’s scans were clear and she only had a few rounds of immunotherapy left to go. But her health suddenly took a turn for the worse.
“Her bowels started having issues,” her mom, Coco, recalls. “She couldn’t digest food well and she had a lot of pain.”
For two months, doctors struggled to get this new symptom under control, but they knew immunotherapy was necessary to prevent her tumor from growing again. Before they could act, Evelyn's situation went from bad to worse.
Her bowels had become so damaged that they perforated. After several emergency surgeries and more than a year of highs and lows, Evelyn now has an ostomy bag and relies on IV medication for nutrients and hydration.
Throughout it all, however, Evelyn has remained her sunny, playful self. “She is a trooper,” Coco says. “She is the bravest kid I’ve known. She’s stronger than me for sure.”
Time For Play

Coco says they would never have gotten through this time if it weren’t for Evelyn’s grandparents, whom she calls Nana and Bobo. In fact, it was her grandparents who first reached out to Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida® on behalf of their granddaughter.
And at first, making a wish was difficult. Because of her medical needs, a trip would have been too difficult. What the family really needed was a way for Evelyn to burn off energy. “We wanted something that she could enjoy daily,” says Coco.
Fortunately, by this time, the family had put down roots in North Florida and had plenty of outdoor space for a busy six-year-old to play. A brand-new playset was just what the doctor ordered!
Complete with swings, a slide, a steering wheel, binoculars, and any other feature a kid could want, Evelyn’s playset is perfect for her. And having a safe place to play without compromising her weakened immune system means the world.
But what is Evelyn’s favorite part? “The slide, because I get to go really fast!”
“She plays on it just about every day,” says Coco. “And it’s much easier for her to go to bed at night!”
Life Without Limits
For children like Evelyn, a wish is more than a fun activity, it’s a way to recapture the joy of being a kid.
Critically ill children must continually face obstacles due to their physical and medical limitations. Make-A-Wish encourages amazing kids to dream big and receive an experience they’ll never forget.
If you’d like to help Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida in our goal to grant a wish for every eligible child, we’d love to hear from you! You can support this incredible cause by donating, volunteering, or even attending one of our events.