Join a caring community of volunteers who transform lives. Together, we can make countless wishes come true.
Your time and unique talents are critical to bringing strength and hope to wish kids when they need it the most. In fact, our volunteers are at the heart of every wish experience.
Make-A-Wish Mississippi volunteers consider their work impactful and meaningful. And, their efforts are rewarded—not in dollars or cents, but in the incredible difference they make in the lives of our wish kids. Volunteers even have the freedom to choose when and how they would like to help transform lives in our community.
We understand that you want to volunteer but might not know where your skills and talents best lie. Check out our volunteer opportunities and see where you can best help make wishes come true or contact our office at admin@ms.wish.org.
As a member of a wish team, wish granters meet with the family, help the wish child determine the wish, and act as a liason between Make-A-Wish staff and the wish family during the wish process. Wish granters must be at least 21 years old. Attendance of an in-depth training session is required.
Wish Assistant
Support the program staff and wish granting volunteers with projects and tasks to enhance the wish journey.
Assist with miscellaneous projects at the Make-A-Wish office, including, but not limited to: phone calls, data entry, copies, wish research, mailings, etc.
Plan, organize and implement successful fundraising events by working on committees, helping on event day and/or participating in the event.
Help facilitate wish experiences for non-English speaking families. Translators have the option of becoming fully-trained wish granting volunteers, or they can provide short-term support on an as-needed basis.
Host an event or fundraiser to help bring awareness and financial support to the Make-A-Wish Mississippi Chapter.
At every level of the organization, volunteers are critical to the mission. Get started today and you can bring hope and joy to local children with critical illnesses as a Make-A-Wish Mississippi Volunteer.
For more information, please contact admin@ms.wish.org.