Three Wish Children, One Wish Family
Three Wish Children, One Wish Family
Wish mom Kamara is a mother to eight children and three of her daughters, Dannah, Kalani and Kamaia currently live with sickle cell disease. When Kamara first heard of Make-A-Wish, she could not have predicted the amount of joy the organization would bring to her entire family.
“Something I looked at once as a negative, quickly became a positive,” said Kamara. “Four years ago, before any of my girls went on a wish trip, I always looked at Make-A-Wish as something that could signify the end for a child and I put it off for a while. But for my girls, their wishes were a beginning for them. It allowed our whole family to just breathe.”

Sickle cell disease often comes with symptoms that include anemia, yellow eyes, painful swelling of hands and feet, frequent pain episodes, stunted growth, and stroke. Kamara said having three children with this disease means frequent doctor appointments and hospital visits. This diagnosis for her daughters also means that sometimes they have to miss out on everyday things they look forward to, like a concert or field trip, when they aren’t feeling well.
Kamara filled out referrals for each of her daughters and thanks to the nonprofit’s wish-granting process, her family was able to create Incredible memories while experiencing Disney World for Kamaia’s wish, a Disney Cruise for Kalani’s wish and Hawaii for Dannah’s wish.
“Make-A-Wish Missouri & Kansas has empowered my girls to help them see what good can come from their disease. Their wishes now allow them to think, ‘Even with this disease, we can still can experience these new things that some people never get the opportunity to do’ and they can appreciate memories that last forever. They now have the attitude of ‘look what we can do, look what we are capable of.’”
Sickle cell disease is something the Warner family simply does not have control over, and Kamara said that can be tough on the whole family. However, thanks to Make-A-Wish supporters, she said each wish her daughters experienced, positively impacted every member of her family. Kamara shared that the girls' wishes truly allowed them to see the world is possible, everything is possible and that their family can get through this.
As a mom, with not just one or two, but three wish kids, Kamara has some advice for wish parents walking a similar journey.
“I know so many things can come at us as wish parents and we deal with extreme things and it’s hard for us to just relax,” said Kamara. “Being a parent and understanding there’s nothing we can do, can be a hard thing to face. Make-A-Wish finally allows us to just breathe. I want to encourage other parents to watch their child laugh, play and get dressed up during their wish. In the moments where it's hard, or you’re simply just tired, thinking of those beautiful moments will help you get through this.”