April 26, 2025
Silver Star Gala

6:00 pm
Four Seasons Hotel Nashville,
160 2nd Ave S,
Join us for our Silver Star Gala! This year's theme, Silver Star Gala, will honor the 25th Anniversary of Make-A-Wish Middle Tennessee. We will celebrate the impact wishes have made on wish children, their families, and those who helped make them come true. The evening will consist of good food, entertainment, a silent auction, and granting wishes. You don't want to miss it!
- 6:00 pm: Doors Open
- 7:00 pm: Program Begins
- 9:30 pm: Silent Auction Closes
- After party to follow
- Cocktail Attire
Sponsorships are available for this event. Want more info? E-mail Caitlin at calexander@middletennessee.wish.org.
Have an item or experience you can donate to our silent auction? E-mail Yvonne at yayers@middletennessee.wish.org.