


Summer's Wish to go to a Movie Premiere

Summer's Wish to go to a Movie Premiere

Summer was diagnosed with lymphoma when she was fifteen years old.

“I was terrified. I had all of the negative emotions you can imagine,” Summer explains about her diagnosis.

I tried to stay positive, but it was hard in the beginning.


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Summer's Wish to go to a Movie Premiere

While she was going through treatment, Summer’s doctor talked to her about Make-A-Wish and put in a referral. Summer used her time dreaming about her wish as a positive distraction during her difficult treatment.

“Going through treatment but knowing I had a wish coming was like the light at the end of a tunnel.”

In 2013, Make-A-Wish Maine granted her wish to attend a movie premiere. She had an incredible time in Hollywood and got to meet some big film and television stars! It was a one-of-a-kind experience for her and her family.

“Looking back on the wish nine years later, I just still feel so grateful that I had the chance to do this and go with my family. We look back on the pictures all the time.”

Today, Summer sees her oncologist once a year but is otherwise healthy. She has stayed in touch over the years, fundraising for Make-A-Wish Maine and supporting the Summer Block Party, our largest external fundraising event in the state.

It’s still unbelievable in some ways. And it feels like it was just yesterday.


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