Leon's wish for a Virtual Shopping Spree

Leon's Wish for a Shopping Spree

Leon's wish for a Virtual Shopping Spree

Leon is three years old and actively battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He wished for a virtual shopping spree and had spent his Halloween dressed in his elephant costume and finishing up his virtual shopping spree wish list.

Leon loves Christmas and giving his shopping spree a Christmas-spin was perfect for Leon.  

After two weeks of very aggressive treatment, it was time for Leon to celebrate his wish day. He was in intense treatment and we wanted to be sure that he was well enough to feel the full joy of this experience. His mom shared with us that the promise of his wish day, or Christmas as he called it, coming to them on November 24th is what got him through this round of treatment. He was brave and strong because he knew something really special was just around the corner!

Enlisting the help of his medical team, who are always a part of the wish experience and excited to use the wish as a distraction during treatment, his day began with celebrations. Our friends at the hospital decorated his chemotherapy bay for Christmas and gave him a special note from Santa Claus telling him to get ready for lots of surprises to come. At the end of treatment, he was picked up by a limo and brought home to his house completely covered in Christmas lights and decorations. He also was greeted by Bo, a real reindeer, and had a lot of fun seeing his house and yard completely transformed!

The local Kiwanis Club of Brewer has hosted an external event for us since 2013 and has raised over $275,000 for Make-A-Wish Maine to date. As the Adopt-A-Wish partner for Leon’s wish we asked them if they would like to be involved in his wish day. They embraced the opportunity! Not only did they help with decorating the exterior of Leon’s house for Christmas, they arranged a big truck parade for Leon that had over 75 vehicles!

Leon sat at the edge of his driveway, seated in his new Power Wheels, waving and smiling at every truck as it passed. It was an incredible sight to see how the community came together to make the day so special for Leon.  

The one thing that won’t be on his mind today is his illness, this is part of the healing process. This is why Make-A-Wish does what they do.
Kiwanis Club of Brewer

The last vehicle in the truck parade had Santa himself on board and all of Leon’s shopping spree items wrapped for him to dig into. Last but certainly not least, a state trooper and his dog from the K9 unit dropped off pizza for Leon and his family to enjoy as they begin to play with all of his new toys.

By the end of Leon’s wish, hundreds of community members had been engaged in the unforgettable experience of granting a wish. We are so grateful for the community that came together for Leon’s wish day!