


Jackson's Wish to be a Penguin Handler

Jackson's Wish to be a Penguin Handler

Jackson is a 5-year-old from Buxton who battled leukemia for half of his life. He received a pink stuffed penguin that he calls “Original” when he was first diagnosed. This is what grew his love for penguins and gave him courage. He brought Original with him to every treatment and his collection grew from there to what it is now, about 30 stuffed penguins (or exactly 1,055 stuffed penguins if you go by his estimate).

Jackson wished to be a penguin handler.

One exciting day, Jackson was surprised at school by being let out of class early to find his classmates all lined up outside with a big banner that read “WE LOVE YOU JACKSON!” His parents were in a limo, ready to take him off to hear some really great news. From there, they went to Macy’s where the employees were waiting with signs, cheering for him. There were even people in giant blow up penguin costumes to let him know that he would be leaving for his wish to be a penguin handler the very next day!

Jackson delivered the letter he brought for Santa into the BIG mailbox and was excited to open all the penguin gifts from Macy’s, especially a penguin bath robe that he immediately put on. He even received his own name tag and Mystic Aquarium penguin handler uniform for his special day.

Jackson’s trip included a penguin-themed wish party and a ride on the Polar Express. He wore his special uniform for his big day at Mystic Aquarium and got to meet a 23-year-old penguin named Red Green and learn all about them.

He was so excited, I don’t know if he even slept! He couldn’t wait to meet a penguin.


wish mom

Jackson even assisted with the a full vet check! He got to feed the penguin a fish and paint the penguin’s feet, which made a special penguin art piece that he got to take home with him.

"Every part of this journey that we went on for three-plus years impacted our lives in such a huge way," recounts wish mom Beth. "And having Jackson have the Make-A-Wish experience, especially where it fell for us where it was at the end of his treatment, was not only something to look forward to throughout the treatment but was just the best day to…remind ourselves that we made it."