I wish to meet the Chicago Cubs

Alex, Wish Granted in 2004

neuromuscular disorder

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wish kid, alex

"It was the 2003/2004 school year.  Alex Christopher Grismore was a freshman in high school. Sitting in Mrs. Hunkles Freshman English class Alex wrote a paper on how he always had wanted to go to a Chicago Cubs game and meet the players.  Inspired by Alex’s paper some of the students along with their teacher wanted to write Make-A-Wish to send Alex on a trip to Chicago. 

                When Alex was a young child he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a progressive muscle wasting, terminal disease that worsens over time. The symptoms of DMD include progressive weakness and loss (atrophy) of both skeletal and heart muscle.   As the disease progresses heart and breathing problems occur and lead to serious, life threatening complications.

Alex had a passion for sports at a young age. Alex tried to participate in little league baseball, but due to his body limitation made it difficult to do so.  By 5th grade Alex was placed in a wheel chair.  This was frustrating for Alex since he was so passionate about sports, and being a spectator was hard for him.  Growing up I remember Alex keeping up with all the statistics of baseball, football and other sports.  Alex had favorite teams as well; in professional football it was the Rams, college football it was the Hawkeyes, and in baseball his heart was set on the underdogs the Cubs.  Alex would keep note books with plays and strategies along with other sport statistics.   Alex collected sport merchandise and never missed a game on TV."

 "When Alex found out he was going to be able to go to Chicago he was excited, but at the same time there was some nervousness for Alex.  Alex was a homebody; going on trips or going places was difficult due to his wheel chair and limitations.  Alex and our family traveled by van to Chicago in mid June of 2004. We stayed in a charming hotel called The Intercontinental on the magnificent mile down town Chicago.  Alex and our family stayed in 2 suits and were able to see Navy Pier and the Friday night fireworks from our windows. While in Chicago Alex our family on foot and chair went sightseeing down town Chicago, shopping and ate at a restaurant.  Alex was nervous about the busy traffic, so the rest of the trip we ordered room service.  Alex and our family attended 2 Cubs games at the historic Wrigley Field.  The Cubs played the Oakland A’s on Saturday and Sunday.  The Cubs won both games.  Alex would claim they won because he was there.  Alex was able to go onto the field and meet some of the players. Alex took pictures with them and really enjoyed the experience. Alex kept those pictures and the Jersey, and other memorabilia he received on the trip in his bedroom at home. Alex treasured that trip, and always remembered it."

When families are able to take a break from their reality for a moment and experience dreams coming true there are not words to describe the feeling.  

"Our family is grateful for the trip, it was good to get Alex out of the house and was amazing we were able witness one of Alex’s dreams come true.  Alex would have loved to see the Cubs win the World Series while he was alive, but when they did win in 2016 our family was cheering along with him. We were truly impacted by the generosity of Make-A-Wish and all they did for our family and what they do for countless other families. When children are sick with an incurable, life threatening disease it is difficult on that child and their family.  When families are able to take a break from their reality for a moment and experience dreams coming true there are not words to describe the feeling.  We are so thankful for the services that Make-A-Wish provides to families and are thankful to be a part of it. The following year in 2005 Alex’s mother passed away from cancer.  Alex and his mom had a special bond and our family was glad that we took that trip together.   Alex went on to finish high school; he was on the Homecoming court his senior year, and graduated in 2007.   Alex continued to occupy himself in the sports world and never gave out hope for his beloved cubs.  Sadly in 2011 Alex passed away at home at the age of 22. Alex is missed daily by his family and friends.  Our family is thankful for the opportunity we had to go on Alex’s wish and we enjoy seeing others who has had the opportunity to have their wishes granted by Make a Wish as well.  Thank you for all your organization does and continues to do."

-The Family of Alex C. Grismore