Make-A-Wish Iowa releases 2023 Annual Report

Organization celebrates record-breaking year for granting wishes

DES MOINES, Iowa — Make-A-WishÒ Iowa had a record-breaking year in 2023. The organization granted 198 wishes, which are detailed in its newly released 2023 Annual Report. Also featured in the report are current wishes in waiting, wish referrals and goals and initiatives for 2024. You can watch the video report here.


“We’ve all wished for something at some point in our life. I can remember what I wished for as a child, and today, I hear the wishes of my own children,” said Sara Kurovski, Make-A-Wish CEO. “You know what that feels like to either have your wish come true or to help make a special wish happen for someone you love. Getting to watch firsthand that moment of joy and sheer happiness and excitement is irreplaceable.”


Make-A-Wish Iowa’s Annual Report shares the heartwarming stories of the numerous childhood wishes the organization granted this year, made possible through the support of donors, volunteers and staff members.


“These pockets of hope and joy would not have been possible without the Make-A-Wish Iowa community,” said Kurovski. “In 2023, we were fortunate to have support from 18 staff members, more than 13,500 donors and 275 volunteers who contributed their time, resources, and funding to grant 198 wishes. It literally takes a village, but it’s so worth it when you get to see a wish come true.”

In addition to a record-setting wish granting year, Make-A-Wish Iowa also received a record number of new wish referrals, which will require the organization to grant even more wishes in their current fiscal year.


“We still have 363 Kids waiting for a wish in Iowa and, for us, that is just not acceptable. We must reach them as quickly as we can," Kurovski explains. “We must grant 250 wishes in the next year. We have to play catch up to ensure that we are granting a child’s wish when they absolutely need it the most.”

The Make-A-Wish Iowa 2023 Annual Report encompasses the spirit of unwavering commitment and the boundless power of a wish. Check out what the Make-A-Wish Iowa community has been up to this past year by viewing the  Annual Report.


To learn more or donate to Make-A-Wish Iowa, click here.