Cedar Rapids Youth Scores Big with a Wish Come True


Media Contacts:
Media: Interviews with Luke Larson and his family are available, as well as photo/video assets from game day. Please contact Laura Sprague (Trilix) to arrange an interview with the Larson family.

Make-A-Wish Iowa
Sara Kurovski, President & CEO
515.334.2636 | skurovski@iowa.wish.org

Detroit Lions Foundation & Community Relations
Roxanne Caine, Vice President
313.262.2238 | Roxanne.Caine@lions.nfl.net

Laura Sprague, Sr. Communications Specialist
515.770.6206 | lsprague@trilix.com

Cedar Rapids youth scores big with a wish come true

(CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa) Dec. 29, 2022 — On Dec. 4, Luke Larson got a win. Larson, age 16, not only attended the Detroit Lions vs. Jacksonville Jaguars game in Detroit, but thanks to Make-A-Wish Iowa and Make-A-Wish Michigan - along with the Detroit Lions organization - Larson got a fan experience unlike any other.

Larson and his family, residents of Cedar Rapids, have dealt with cystic fibrosis for his entire life. This condition causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract and other areas of the body. Although it’s one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults, there is no cure and it’s considered a life-threatening disorder. When Larson was offered the opportunity to have a wish, this superfan knew exactly what he wanted to do.

“Football is my favorite sport and watching the NFL is one of my favorite hobbies,” said Larson. “I’ve always loved the Lions since I was little.”

Since the wish would happen out of state, the Make-A-Wish Iowa team coordinated efforts with Make-A-Wish Michigan, who then reached out to the Detroit Lions to put together a one-of-a-kind experience for Larson. As part of his wish, Larson and his family flew from Iowa to Detroit where they stayed at the Henry Hotel, near the Lions facilities. On Saturday, Larson got a special tour of Ford Field and attended the pre-game practice at the Lions practice facilities. There, he met head coach Dan Campbell, general manager Brad Holmes, and was gifted his very own personalized jersey. Post-practice, Larson met members of the Lions football team and chatted with them about Sunday’s game.

“It was incredible and one of my favorite things I’ve ever done in my life,” said Larson.

On game day, donning his new jersey, Larson walked side-by-side with some of his favorite football players as they took to the field and had the coin toss. The score of that game, 40-14, served as a win for the Lions, but more so for Larson as he battles cystic fibrosis on an everyday basis. For those who facilitated the experience, it serves as a reminder that not all victories involve touchdowns and scoreboards.

“Having Luke and his family join us for a weekend experience was truly meaningful for all of us at the Detroit Lions,” said Roxanne Caine, Detroit Lions Vice President Foundation & Community Relations. “Our players were inspired by his resiliency and enjoyed his winning spirit as he broke down the huddle at practice. Luke embodies the meaning of perseverance and grit, which serves him well as he fights this horrible disease.”

Following the game, Larson and his family traveled back to Iowa where they shared their story to inspire hope in others. Research from Make-A-Wish shows the power of a wish is truly remarkable. In their recent “Impact of a Wish” study, 94% of wish kid parents recalled seeing improvement in their child’s emotional well-being, so much so that 91% of parents reported the wish gave their child a better chance of surviving their illness.

“We are thrilled to see Luke get his wish fulfilled in such a dynamic way,” said Sara Kurovski, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish Iowa. “When critically ill children have their wish come true, it’s not only an incredible experience for them, but it also provides hope, strength and resiliency they need to fight their disease.

Luke’s wish is one of more than 150 granted through Make-A-Wish Iowa in 2022. The organization has a goal of helping more than 200 critically ill children see their wishes come true in 2023. To be part of the magic, learn more about in-kind, monetary and service donations at https://wish.org/iowa.