I wish to have a treehouse




Gigi Treehouse - Community

Wish Kid Gigi

You helped create a treehouse of hope.

I've always described my little girl Gigi as kind, thoughtful, and full of energy. So, when she began to complain of horrible back pain, we felt something was off. Little did we know that our world would be turned upside down. 

A series of tests revealed that Gigi had a rare cancer that affects her soft tissue and bones. She was seven, and I watched her “normal” day-to-day change drastically. Gigi endured 14 rounds of chemo, over 20 days of radiation, multiple surgeries, and countless days of rehab. She's been a fighter every step of the way and inspired us to live each day to the fullest.

When Gigi learned that people like you would help grant her wish, she felt a new sense of hope. And my wife and I felt a sense of relief. Waiting for her wish marked the start of healing for all of us.

Gigi Treehouse - Family Photo

Gigi wished to have a space of her own - a haven to craft, paint, and most of all, create special moments with her friends. On her wish day, Gigi's wish granters and the amazing team at Keebler showed up to make sure her wish reveal was extra special. We were blown away by the care and generosity.

Gigi Treehouse  and Your Wish Is Coming True
Gigi Treehouse Smiling 2
Gigi Inside Her Treehouse
Gigi Treehouse - Community
Gigi Treehouse Inside - Chloea and Mallory

Then, when Gigi went into her treehouse, the first thing she did was paint a picture for her new Make-A-Wish Georgia friends. It was a full circle moment; one we'll never forget.

This World Wish Day you can help kids like my daughter Gigi. 

Wish kid Gigi's dad